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Spring Spark: An Encore Performance with PNB

Pacific Northwest Ballet’s spring fundraiser pairs ballet dancers with pastry chefs to create unique desserts.  

One of the tastiest fundraisers in town is back for an encore performance this Saturday, May 11, at the Francia Russell Center in Bellevue. Pacific Northwest Ballet’s (PNB) Spring Spark is a one-night event where ballet dancers, local distilleries, and Seattle's dessert virtuosos collide in a night of celebration and support. Guests will have the pleasure of sampling and voting for their favorite desserts and signature cocktails. Last year, we collaborated with Lucien Postlewaite, and our Oberon’s Rose Pavlova won the playful competition for best dessert. We’re honored to be invited back for another pas de deux! This year, our dance partner is Leta Biasucci, a principal dancer at PNB. “I've long been a huge fan of Macrina’s pastries, and since the opening of the Maple Leaf location, I've had the pleasure of sharing regular Cornetto dates with my 17-month-old daughter, Alma,” says Leta. “So when I had the opportunity to work alongside the individuals behind Macrina’s magic, I was so excited!” After weeks of auditioning ideas and refining them, Leta and our pastry team have a winner: The Earl of Puff, an airy pâte à choux filled with an Earl Grey Bavarian cream and rhubarb raspberry compote.  Our pastry team is composed of Leslie Mackie, Macrina’s founder, Katarina Ducharme, our Retail Production Manager, and Sam Stout, our Retail Pastry General Manager. “We had the pleasure of talking favorite pastries with Leta,” says Leslie. “She’s a brilliant dancer and lives a demanding life performing, traveling, and being a mother. When she gets a break, she enjoys a warm cup of tea and her knitting or a good book. It restores her.” Leta also mentioned that her dessert preferences run toward rustic Italian. With those factors in mind, we set about experimenting, going in several different directions, and ultimately landing on our variation on the cream puff. Pulling in Leta’s love of tea, we came up with the Earl Grey pastry cream filling and the seasonal touch of the rhubarb.  At our final tasting, Leta suggested refinements and our pastry team set to work. We’re happy to announce that The Earl of Puff is ready for its debut on Saturday night! And for those of you not attending the Spring Spark, the dessert will be available in our cafés over the Mother’s Day weekend from May 10–12.  “Sam, Katarina, and Leslie are such masters of their craft,” says Leta. “Having a front row seat to Macrina’s creative process has been such a privilege and wonderful experience. I am so excited to share this special dessert at Spring Spark!” We, too, look forward to the playful competition at the Spring Spark and tasting the many other fine desserts and libations. “This is such a fun and privileged project to work with Leta and PNB,” says Leslie. 

Celebrating Mothers!


Tramy Thi Le, our GM of Wholesale Pastry, raised two daughters while managing a large team at Macrina. 

Penelope Phan is set to graduate with honors from Smith College, one of the nation’s best, on May 19, 2024. She has been accepted into a master’s program and dreams of becoming a university professor. No one is prouder than her mother, Tramy Thi Le, our GM of Wholesale Pastry, and a working mom. Her younger daughter, Paulina, a high school senior, will attend Bryn Mawr College in the fall — another prestigious school. “My goal was to have both daughters get their bachelor’s degrees,” says Tramy. “I’m so proud of them. God keeps us in his good hands.” Originally from Vietnam, Tramy moved to Seattle with her then-husband in 2000, seeking a fresh start and a better life. Three months after arriving, she began working at Macrina. Following a divorce in 2012, she faced the challenges of being a single working mother. “Macrina was very supportive,” Tramy recalls. “They offered me flexibility when I needed time off for my daughters’ appointments.” Tramy's mother also played a crucial role in raising the girls, traveling back and forth from Vietnam over eight years to provide support.  “Tramy has two wonderful daughters and still maintains a demanding work schedule with us at Macrina,” says Leslie Mackie, Macrina’s founder. “I attribute our success in wholesale pastry to her. She worked in retail pastry for four years and learned our foundational recipes and more detailed finishing with cakes and tarts, which helped us develop more wholesale pastry offerings.” Since 2013, Tramy has been the general manager of our wholesale pastry team, which now includes over 50 people, mostly Vietnamese immigrants. Tramy, who studied English at Seattle Central Community College, is fluent in both English and Vietnamese. With 24 years of professional baking experience and a background as a teacher in Vietnam, she effectively trains new hires as our department continues to grow. Reflecting on the dual challenges of being a primary caregiver and having a demanding career, Tramy emphasizes her continuous learning journey. “When my daughters were teenagers, they had changing needs, and I had to adapt my parenting style to support them better,” she explains. “I worked on controlling my emotions and staying calm.” Remaining positive is a hallmark of Tramy’s leadership at Macrina. She is an effective communicator who leads by example and listens carefully to her crew — usually with a smile on her face.  “I’m grateful for the opportunities I’ve had to grow myself at Macrina,” says Tramy. “Balancing motherhood and managing a team hasn’t always been easy, but my daughters appreciate very much all I do for them. I’m incredibly proud of them.” 

Meet Cong Son: General Manager of Packing


Cong won our Continuously Improving Core Value Award 

People committed to a life of continuous learning show up with curiosity. They’re skilled listeners and keen observers. Cong Son, our GM of Packing, is one of those individuals. From the day he first stepped into our bakery, Cong has been a dedicated student.  Shortly after his family moved to Seattle from Vietnam, Cong came to Macrina in 2014 looking for a part-time job. He’d heard good things about the company from a friend he met in his ESL classes at Seattle Central. We hired him into the packing department. A year later, he became a full-time employee. His quick mastery of day packing, night packing, slicing, pastry packing, and labeling — the full range of packing activities— underscored his rapid advancement. A promotion to packing lead was followed by another to assistant manager. Then in September 2023, we promoted Cong to general manager of packing. Cong manages a staff of about 30 people. Over three shifts, they pack and label all our breads, pastries and other baked goods.  Cong speaks fluent Vietnamese and Cambodian and his English is commendable, especially considering it’s his third language. Still, Cong is challenging himself to improve his English. “Now that I’m a general manager, I want to be better able to communicate with general managers of other departments,” Cong says. “Communicating with my team is easy. Many of them speak Vietnamese, and we work together every day.”  Challenges stimulate Cong. “I’ve been learning computers in my new role,” he says. “Macrina is giving me a lot of support. Like they did by sponsoring ESL classes for me and other managers earlier in my career.”   Cong seemed to be the only person surprised when he won our Continuously Improving Core Value Award. “Seeing my name on the plaque was a surprise,” he says. “I keep learning, keep building new skills, and taking on more responsibility.”  That’s the attitude and work ethic Cong brought to Macrina and that has carried him into the ranks of general managers.  Beyond his professional success, Cong Son finds joy and balance in his personal life. Making his home in the Rainier Valley near Columbia City, Cong enjoys time with his family. Depending on the season, you’ll find him spending his free time digging clams and geoducks on Vashon Island or squidding in Elliot Bay.  Cong's journey is a testament to the power of continuous improvement and the opportunities it brings. 

Kilts For Kids! Vote and Get a Free Coffee and Cookie!

Free cookie and a drip coffee for all voters when you stop by and vote at one of our cafes! 


Kilts for Kids is a charity event organized by the Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) to support the needs of children and their families. Macrina joined in 2019 at the invitation of Manny Chao, Georgetown Brewing's founder and avid RMHC supporter. We’ve been a faithful supporter ever since and we’re at it again this year.  

The spirited competition requires participants to don kilts and encourage people to vote for them. With a $10 donation per vote, RMHC has raised over $700,000 since 2012. This funding provides a crucial lifeline to families who must travel to access critical medical care for their children. RMHC's offerings include Ronald McDonald Houses—a comforting haven for families with hospitalized children — and Ronald McDonald Family Rooms, which offer a peaceful respite within hospitals. Additionally, the Ronald McDonald Care Mobile program delivers essential healthcare services to underserved communities. 

Motivated by our competitive spirit and a desire to raise significant funds for children in need, we are offering a free drip coffee and cookie (excluding our Brown Sugar Shortbread Cookies) as a thank-you to all voters for each vote cast. Voting begins on April 8 and runs through April 22. Vote early and vote often! This is one kilt-raiser you can feel good about.   VOTE HERE!Thank you!  

Our New Ancient Grain Loaf

A hearty gluten-free loaf made for bread lovers (made in a gluten-friendly environment) 

At Macrina, in particular over the last decade, we’ve been baking with more and more heritage grains. We’re fortunate to have a close relationship with the renowned Bread Lab and Cairnspring Mills, both located nearby in the Skagit Valley. The quality, flavor and nutrition of the heritage grains they make available, many grown in-state, has led to thrilling possibilities. 

One goal has been to make a gluten-free loaf that celebrates different grains without compromising on flavor or texture. Leslie Mackie, Macrina’s founder, has spent months experimenting in our test kitchen to develop a loaf that rises to her standards. The result is our Ancient Grain Loaf. “This is unlike any other gluten-free loaf I’ve tasted,” says Leslie. “It's highly nutritious, packed with fiber, minerals, and vitamins, and its excellent flavor makes it ideal for open-faced sandwiches or toast.” 

Teff and millet, two ancient grains naturally free of gluten, add flavor and texture. Brown rice flour and finely-ground oats round out the grains, to which we add organic flax and chia seeds, olive oil and honey for enhanced flavor and richness. A long, slow fermentation process allows the bread to develop a semi-dense texture while retaining plenty of moisture. The bread has a subtly nutty flavor with a hint of honey sweetness.  At room temperature, the bread has a shelf life of two days, but refrigerated it will stay fresh up to a week.

Menu, Products, Uncategorized
Creamy Risotto with Mushrooms and Broccolini

April's lengthening days and blooming tulips hint at upcoming visits to the farmer's market and dining al fresco, yet the persistent showers and crisp evenings make me crave healthy comfort food. Risotto, a dish I find appealing throughout the year, feels particularly fitting now. This straightforward recipe can be prepared in just over 30 minutes and is surprisingly easy to make. By incorporating half the stock initially, you only need to stir occasionally while sautéing the vegetables, then focus more as it approaches readiness. The broccolini introduces a refreshing burst of green and harmonizes well with the lemon zest. Meanwhile, the mushrooms add a rich umami flavor to the risotto, enhancing its overall depth.Printable PDF of this recipe here.Makes 4 servings.½ cup olive oil, divided¼ cup shallots, finely diced (approximately 2 each)1 cup Arborio rice5 cupes chicken or vegetable stock (you may not use all of it)3 cups fresh mushrooms (chanterelle, shiitake, oyster, or button)4 cups broccolini, cut into 1½-inch sections (2 bunches)1 heaping Tbsp garlic, mincedSalt and freshly ground pepper (to taste)1 cup Parmesan, finely grated, divided1 lemon, for zestingIn a medium saucepan, heat 2 Tbsp of olive oil over medium heat and then add the shallots. When the shallots are translucent, stir in the Arborio rice. Coat the rice completely in the oil, then pour in half the stock. Simmer for about 35 minutes over medium heat, stirring occasionally, gradually adding more stock as the rice absorbs it.Meanwhile, wipe the mushrooms with paper towels to clean them. Trim the ends and slice the mushrooms into ½-inch pieces. In a sauté pan, heat ¼ cup olive oil over medium high heat, then add the mushrooms, sautéing until they are golden brown. Lower the heat slightly and add the remaining 2 Tbsp of olive oil, broccolini and garlic. Sauté for another 2 minutes and season to taste with salt and fresh ground pepper.When the rice is al dente, fold in the vegetables and ½ cup of Parmesan into the risotto. Stir gently over low heat for a minute to marry the flavors. The risotto should be tender but firm to the bite. If it’s on the stiff side, stir in a bit more stock to loosen it up (it continues to absorb liquid even off the heat).Divide the risotto between 4 plates and garnish with the remaining Parmesan. Grate lemon zest over each portion using a microplane. Excellent on its own, the risotto is even better served with a warm crusty loaf of Macrina Casera bread and a generous bowl of extra virgin olive oil for dipping. Enjoy! 

Pan de Muerto: Order Ahead for Dia de los Muertos

Pan de Muerto is a soft, round, sweet yeast-risen bread –– similar in texture to challah –– with a crunchy cinnamon sugar glaze studded with fresh orange zest and spiced with orange flower water, cinnamon, cardamom, and cloves. We lay two crossed links of dough over the top to symbolize crossbones, representing those no longer among the living. The bread is excellent sliced and toasted for breakfast or dipped in Mexican hot chocolate as an afternoon snack.

History of Pan de Muerto

The bread of the dead — is traditionally placed on Dia de los Muertos ofrendas to celebrate a family’s ancestors. The Day of the Dead, celebrated on November 1–2, is a time when the souls of the dead reunite with the living. Pan de Muerto is taken to the gravesite, often along with photos and the favorite foods of the deceased and is eaten there. Food is very important to the celebration, for it is believed that the dead are drawn back to the living by the scent of their favorite foods. The tradition dates back hundreds of years and honors the belief, held by many in the Latino and Indigenous communities, that their ancestors are a part of the community — present on another plane of existence. Macrina’s Pan de Muerto is made in honor of this wonderful tradition.
Our Pan de Muerto is available online and in cafés until 11/2. Each loaf feeds four living souls or countless spirits present on another plane.

Order ahead now! 

Recipe of the Month: Apple Pie Braid

Sometimes you want to shake things up when making apple pies in the fall. I love using phyllo dough for its crisp and light texture, nicely contrasting with the baked apple filling. Phyllo layers are found in the freezer section of most grocery stores and offer many options for savory and sweet treats. If the thought of working with pastry intimidates you, rest assured phyllo is your friend. The key is to prevent it from drying out as you assemble the braid. Simply keep it covered with plastic, and you should be fine. The end result? A stunning braided pie with a buttery, flaky crust.-Leslie MackiePrintable PDF of this recipe here.Makes 4-6 Servings.Ingredients  3 large Granny Smith apples¾ cup granulated sugar, divided1 Tbsp unbleached all-purpose flour½ tsp ground cinnamon8 Tbsp (1 stick) unsalted butter, chilled and cut into ½-inch cubes1 tsp vanilla extract8 sheets of phyllo dough, 9 x 14-inch (covered with plastic and defrosted)1 Tbsp powdered sugar  Preheat oven to 350°F. Prepare 2 rimmed baking pans by lining them with parchment paper.Peel, core, and slice the apples into ½-inch wedges. In a medium bowl, toss the apple wedges with ¼ cup sugar, flour and cinnamon. Spread evenly in one layer on one of the lined baking sheets.Bake for 25 minutes. Remove from oven and cool to room temperature. This step evaporates some of the juices, helping prevent the base of the tart from getting soggy.In a small saucepan, melt the butter over low heat. Set aside to cool slightly.In a separate small bowl, make the vanilla sugar by mixing the remaining ½ cup sugar with the vanilla extract.On the second baking pan, lay a sheet of phyllo dough with its long side parallel to the long side of the baking sheet. Lightly brush the surface with melted butter. Layer on the second sheet of phyllo and brush again with butter. Add the third layer, lightly brushing with butter, and sprinkling a heaping tablespoon of vanilla sugar evenly over the sheet. Repeat this same procedure for the next 4 sheets. For the 8th sheet, lightly brush with butter, then arrange the baked apples lengthwise in the center, forming a 3-inch-wide row.Along both lengthwise edges of the phyllo, use scissors to make 5 evenly spaced cuts, each about 2½-inches long, at a slight angle toward the center. This will leave you with six strips on each side. Fold these strips over the apples, braiding them in the center (start at one end, crossing alternating strips to create a braided pattern). Brush the braid with the remaining butter and sprinkle any remaining vanilla sugar on top.Increase the oven temperature to 375°F. Bake the apple pie braid on the center rack for 40 to 45 minutes, or until light golden brown. Let cool for 30 minutes.Before serving, dust the braid with powdered sugar. Enjoy with sweetened whipped cream or your favorite fall ice cream!

Employee Recipe Series: Matt Galvin’s Bui Bun Meatball Sub

We’re celebrating our 30th Anniversary by sharing some of our staff’s favorite recipes using Macrina Bakery products.You know those nights when you want a break from cooking, but you and the kids are famished? Matt Galvin, co-owner of Macrina, knows them all too well. With four kids — hungry from soccer, ballet, and life — he would often turn to the cheesy, saucy, messy splendor of a meatball sandwich made with DeLaurenti's meatballs, marinara sauce, and melted fresh mozzarella on Macrina's Bui Buns. "The whole thing comes together in minutes, and you can scale it if, say, one of your kids brings a friend or three."Matt found a love of food working in many local restaurants and developed a fondness for Italian food while living in Italy. "The meatball sandwich is an Italian-American creation," he says. "Like most Italian dishes, it's just a few ingredients in the right proportion. The quality of the ingredients makes all the difference. Use excellent meatballs, fresh mozzarella, and the right bread, and you've got a dynamite meal."Macrina's head baker, Phuong Bui, designed these buns specifically for the banh mi, the famous sandwich from his native Vietnam. It boasts a crisp crust and tender, airy crumb that Matt says is perfect for the ultimate meatball sandwich."DeLaurenti makes the best meatballs," says Matt. "I heat them in DeLaurenti's marinara sauce, slice up a few balls of Ferndale Farms fresh mozzarella, fill a Bui Bun with a couple of meatballs, top it with a spoonful of marinara and a few slices of mozzarella, then broil it briefly to melt the cheese. It's pretty simple."

Employee Recipe Series: Corrina Steffens-Highley: Charcuterie, Soup Bowls & More

We’re celebrating our 30th Anniversary by sharing some of our staff’s favorite recipes using Macrina Bakery products.Corrina Steffens-Highley, the Assistant manager at our Kent café, oversees the staff and operations at the café. When asked about the best compliment she has ever received, Corrina doesn't hesitate: "Someone told me I have a glowing personality." As the morning rush begins, that glow fills the café as she greets many regular customers by name. "It's not just work to me," she explains. "It's like a second family."At the end of the workday, Corrina returns home to her first family. Hailing from a large Italian-American family, she has always found meals to be central to family life and takes pleasure in hosting meals at her home and sharing food with her extended family.“I love to find creative uses for Macrina products,” she says. One of her recent favorites is a spin on the classic cream cheese and lox on bagels. “Our Savory Pinwheel is a lot lighter than a bagel and the flavors go really well together. Simply cut it in half horizontally, wam it gently, spread one side with cream cheese and top it with the salmon. It’s so good.”Another favorite is using the Mini Casera loaf as a soup bowl. “I cut the top off the loaf, hollow it out, and fill it with clam chowder or tomato bisque,” she says. This works well with both fresh and day-old loaves.Corrina excels at transforming Macrina’s leftover breads into tasty appetizers. “Butter boards are an excellent starter. Basically, you soften butter and add whatever you like. Roasted garlic is great, as is lemon dill,” says Corrina. She creates crostini with old bread by slicing it, brushing both sides with olive oil, and baking them at 350°F for 10–15 minutes. The crostini are perfect for dipping into flavored butters.Crostini (or Sardinian flatbread) also work well on charcuterie boards. Corrina uses a large cutting board as a canvas. "I think of it as a big picture," she says. "You fill in the picture with sliced meats, cheeses, olives, and crostini. In the end, it looks beautiful. It's my art."

DanceChance: Expanding Access to Ballet

Macrina is a Proud Supporter of DanceChance.

In 1994, Pacific Northwest Ballet (PNB) launched DanceChance, a program aimed at discovering ballet talent in Seattle's public schools. Nearly three decades later, the initiative has impacted over 1,400 students across 20+ schools. Each fall, PNB educators visit third-grade classrooms, offering interactive dance sessions that serve as many students' first exposure to ballet.Selected students, showing promise in attributes like flexibility and focus, are invited to train at PNB School for free, including transportation and attire. The program not only democratizes access to ballet but also instills valuable life skills such as teamwork and perseverance.DanceChance has produced professional dancers, including current PNB members Kuu Sakuragi and Joh Morrill. Others have joined renowned dance companies worldwide.At Macrina Bakery, we're proud to support DanceChance, a program that brings joy and opportunities to deserving young talents.

Employee Recipe Series: Leslie Mackie's Brioche Bread Pudding

We’re celebrating our 30th Anniversary by sharing some of our staff’s favorite recipes using Macrina Bakery products.

As we all know, many of the best things in life are unplanned. This delightful creation was serendipitously born when Leslie Mackie, the founder of Macrina Bakery, found herself with a leftover loaf of our Columba Pasquale — a brioche-like Easter bread enriched with brandy, interspersed with candied orange peel, and topped with sliced almonds — and a bag of fresh Bing cherries, just in time for a Mother’s Day brunch.

“It was one of the best bread puddings I’ve ever made,” she says. “Columba Pasquale has a great texture for bread pudding, and the sliced almonds, candied orange peel, and brandy in the bread were great with the tart cherries.”Since we only bake Columba Pasquale for Easter, Leslie adapted the recipe to our Brioche loaf, which is available throughout the year. (Challah is another delicious alternative.)This recipe calls for fresh cherries, but you can also use dried cherries. Just reduce the amount to ¾ cup and soak them in warm water for 10 minutes to rehydrate before adding them to the bread.

Leslie’s Brioche Bread Pudding Recipe

Use one 10-inch Pie Pan; Serves 6


1 loaf of Macrina's Brioche bread3 Tbsp butter, melted1 cup Bing cherries, halved and pitted1½ cups heavy cream1½ cups whole milk3 large eggs¾ cup granulated sugar, divided1 tsp brandy1 tsp pure vanilla extract3 Tbsp candied orange peel, diced⅓ cup sliced almonds


Preheat your oven to 350°F.Cut ⅓ off the Brioche loaf and reserve for another use. Remove crusts from the remainder then cut into ¼-inch thick slices. Cut each slice in half to create “tiles” (roughly 2-inches by 4-inches).Place the sliced bread on a rimmed baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Toast in the oven for 5 minutes. Flip the bread pieces, then toast for an additional 5 minutes.Remove the toasted bread from the oven and let it cool slightly. Brush both sides of the bread with melted butter (reserve a little bit to brush your baking dish to prevent sticking).While the bread is toasting and cooling, pit and halve your fresh cherries. Toss them in 1½ Tbsp of sugar and let them sit for about 10 minutes.In a large mixing bowl, combine the heavy cream, milk, eggs, remaining sugar, brandy, and vanilla extract. Whisk well and set aside.Brush a 10-inch pie dish with some of the remaining melted butter.Arrange the toasted and buttered brioche “tiles” in the pie dish in a rosette format. Start by forming a circle with the “tiles” along the edge of the dish, then continue to arrange them in smaller, concentric circles, moving towards the center of the dish. Cut half-sized “tiles” for the center of the rose. Layer in the candied orange peel and sliced almonds. Scatter the sugared cherries evenly over the bread.Pour the cream mixture over the bread and cherries, ensuring all the bread is soaked. Press down lightly with a spatula to make sure all the bread is in contact with the liquid. Let it sit for about 10–15 minutes so the bread can absorb the custard mixture.Cover the baking dish with foil and place it into a larger pan. Pour hot water into the larger pan until it comes halfway up the sides of the pie dish to create a water bath.Bake the pudding for 50–60 minutes, or until the custard is set.Remove the foil and bake for another 15–20 minutes, or until the top is golden brown. A knife inserted into the center should come out clean.Serve warm.

Classic Ricotta Tart

Having lived in the North End of Boston for three years, I had the pleasure of frequenting some of the best Italian bakeries — the inspiration behind this tart. This rendition is adapted from a beloved recipe in our first cookbook. The Italian pasta frolla dough is versatile and straightforward to make. You’ll find yourself dreaming up other rustic tarts that it would serve well. My favorite filling combines rich ricotta cheese, dried cranberries, hazelnuts and bittersweet chocolate chips. However, feel free to swap out the dried fruit and nuts as whimsy or inspiration strikes. Fresh berries and a glass of Vin Santo make the perfect accompaniments to this lovely Italian tart.-Leslie MackiePrintable PDF of this recipe here.Makes one 7-inch tart; serves 6Ingredients PASTA FROLLA DOUGH2½ cup unbleached all-purpose flour⅓ cup granulated sugar½ tsp salt¼ tsp ground anise10 Tbsp (1¼ sticks) unsalted butter, chilled and cut into ½-inch cubes1 egg1 egg yolk1 tsp vanilla extract2 Tbsp heavy creamFILLING⅓ cup dried cranberries2 cups seasonal berries3¾ cup whole milk ricotta½ cup granulated sugar1 Tbsp unbleached all-purposed flour¼ tsp salt1½ tsp vanilla extract1 Tbsp orange zest4 egg yolks¼ cup hazelnuts, roasted and coarsely ground½ cup bittersweet chocolate chips1 Tbsp unbleached all-purposed flour1 egg + 1 tsp watter for egg wash2 Tbsp raw sugar (Turbinado) PASTA FROLLA DOUGHIn the bowl of a stand mixer, sift together the flour, sugar and salt. Add the ground anise and mix until well combined. Place bowl on mixer, and fit with the paddle attachment. On low speed, gradually add the butter cubes. Continue mixing until the texture resembles coarse crumbs.In a separate bowl, whisk together the egg, egg yolk, vanilla extract and heavy cream. With the mixer on low speed, slowly pour the egg mixture into the flour mixture. Mix just until the dough comes together, about 30 seconds.Transfer the dough onto a clean surface. Divide it into two portions: one larger and the other about a third of the size. Shape each portion into a flat disk. Wrap each disk in plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 1 hour.On a floured surface, roll out the larger dough disk into an 11-inch circle with a thickness of ⅛-inch. Carefully transfer it to a 7-inch x 1½-inch cake pan, pressing into the bottom and up the sides. Ensure there's a ½-inch overhang around the top edges of the pan.Roll out the smaller dough disk into a 7-inch circle, also with a thickness of ⅛-inch. Cut two 2-inch vents in this top layer of dough. Set the dough-lined cake pan aside as you make the filling.FILLINGRinse the dried cranberries under water to rehydrate them. Set aside.In a medium bowl, combine the ricotta, sugar, flour, salt, vanilla extract and orange zest. This can be mixed by hand or using a stand mixer until combined well.Gradually add the egg yolks, ensuring each yolk is fully incorporated before adding the next. Gently fold in the rehydrated cranberries, ground hazelnuts, and chocolate chips, making sure they are evenly distributed throughout the mixture.In a seperate small bowl, whisk together the egg and water to make the egg wash.Transfer the filling into the dough-lined cake pan, smoothing the top to ensure it's level. Top the filling with the 7-inch pasta frolla circle. Brush the perimeter of the top dough with egg wash. Fold the ½-inch overhang from the base dough over the top dough, pressing gently to seal the tart.Brush the entire top of the tart with the remaining egg wash and sprinkle with raw sugar. If you have excess dough, you can roll it out and cut decorative roses or other designs and place them on top of tart.Refrigerate the assembled tart for 30 minutes.Preheat the oven to 325°F.Bake the tart for 50 to 55 minutes, or until the crust turns a golden brown and the filling is set.Allow the tart to cool for at least 2 hours before serving. Enjoy with fresh berries and a glass of Vin Santo!

Recipes, Uncategorized
Employee Recipe Series: Sergio Castaneda's Vollkorn Grilled Cheese

We're celebrating our 30th Anniversary by sharing some of our staff's favorite recipes using Macrina Bakery products.On a pleasant late spring weekend in South Seattle, Sergio Castaneda and his family gather around the dining table to savor a homemade lunch. As the tantalizing aroma of grilled cheese and tomato soup permeates the room, laughter and engaging conversation become the soundtrack to this delightful meal. Sergio's Vollkorn grilled cheese, a family favorite, showcases the versatility of Macrina Bakery's bread.Sergio, our Production Manager at Macrina Bakery and a part of the Leadership Team, began his journey as a driver in 2002. His unwavering dedication and passion for the business led him to climb the ranks, ultimately assuming responsibility for overseeing an extensive team of drivers and packers. With a strong background in food, including experience as a pastry chef, Sergio possesses a wide range of expertise, from dough mixing and baking to customer service. An effective leader, Sergio actively contributes to Macrina's success by diligently working to enhance his team's performance and fostering a positive, inclusive work environment.The Vollkorn loaf, a German-style, nine-grain bread, serves as the ideal foundation for Sergio's delectable grilled cheese. This moist and hearty loaf blends a six-grain cereal with toasted sunflower and pumpkin seeds, creating a delightful crunch. Organic rye and a beer starter provide a pleasantly sour flavor, while honey and molasses lend a complex caramel sweetness. The result is a multipurpose bread that harmonizes with an array of ingredients.Sergio explains, "It is a very simple recipe. What makes it special is the way the light sweetness of the bread, the slight nuttiness of the Gouda, and the creamy mozzarella come together." He slices the Vollkorn loaf at an angle to increase the surface area, then layers Gouda and fresh mozzarella cheese on the bread. After buttering the exterior sides, he grills the sandwich on a panini press. "In just a few minutes, you have crisp, caramelized bread filled with gooey cheese."Sergio's Vollkorn grilled cheese can be savored on its own as a scrumptious snack or coupled with a steaming bowl of soup for a comforting meal. The nutritious of Macrina Bakery's Vollkorn loaf elevate this classic dish, making it a cherished favorite in the Castaneda household.In a world where shared meals create lasting connections, Sergio Castaneda's passion for food, his love for Macrina Bakery's bread, and his devotion to his family serve as heartwarming reminders of the significance of quality ingredients and the joy of gathering with loved ones around a table. As the Castaneda family relishes their weekend lunch, it's evident that life's simple pleasures are often the most meaningful —  and in this instance, the most delicious.Find recipes like BBQ Chicken Sliders and Summer Panzanella Salad that use Macrina breads and more in our Seasons Cookbook.

Cupcake Giveaway at All Cafes and Fun Events for Kids of All Ages at our New Maple Leaf Café

Our Official 30th Anniversary is Nearly Here!

Mark your calendars for Sunday, August 27 — our official 30th anniversary! To show our gratitude for the support that’s fueled our journey from a single bakery and café in Belltown to our sixth café recently opened in the Maple Leaf neighborhood, we’re giving away our Mini Confetti Cupcake at all Macrina locations on Sunday, August 27 while supplies last. But that’s not all! We’re hosting two fun events for kids of all ages that same weekend.On Saturday, August 26 from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m., bring your kids and set their creativity free with cupcake decorating at the sidewalk tables outside our new Maple Leaf Café. We’ll have all the essentials: cupcakes, frosting, sprinkles and more.    And on our big day, Sunday, August 27, from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m., we’ll do the same thing with cookies.

Come join in the fun and celebrate with us!

Employee Recipe Series: Scott France–Summer Evenings at the Grill

We're celebrating our 30th Anniversary by sharing some of our staff's favorite recipes using Macrina Bakery products.On the edge of a languid summer night, the world bathed in a dusky glow, Scott France's back deck comes alive. In the golden half-light of evening, Scott stands at the grill, tongs in hand, turning thick slices of grill-marked bread ensuring the char is just right. Friends and loved ones gather, their laughter and conversation melding with the scent of sizzling flank steak and grilled vegetables.These evenings begin with Scott selecting a loaf of Casera and a loaf of Organic Sour White from the bakery at the end of the workday, the anticipation of sharing food and stories with his family and neighbors already on his mind. The process is simple: fire up the grill, marinate the steak, prepare the foil pouches of cauliflower and broccoli, and brush the bread with extra virgin olive oil and salt. "It's super simple, super quick, and unbelievably delicious," Scott says, a routine he repeats throughout the summer months.As president and part-owner of Macrina, Scott is dedicated to providing the finest artisan breads and pastries to the Puget Sound region. With over 250 employees and a reputation as one of the country's best bakeries, the challenge invigorates him. "Our mission is to enrich our communities through the joy of artisan baking," he says, and with the new Maple Leaf Café, Scott is excited to bring Macrina to even more people. “We’ve been so excited to open our first café since 2018, and to provide opportunities for the wonderful people who work at Macrina.”Casera and Sour White were the first two loaves Leslie created 30 years ago when she first opened Macrina’s doors in Belltown. Casera, inspired by the famed Poilâne bakery in Paris, took nearly a year of experimentation with a natural bread starter made from champagne grapes. The result: a coarse-textured loaf with a thick, caramelized crust that is perfect for the grill. The Sour White, on the other hand, boasts a tangy, open crumb and a sturdy crust, with its nutty, sour flavor derived from a wild starter Leslie created in 1993.As evening deepens, the warm glow of camaraderie fills the air. Plates piled high with grilled meat, bread, and vegetables circulate. “There’s definitely beer involved, too,” says Scott. Specifically, growlers from Georgetown Brewery. The worries of the day pass as the world narrows to this communion of friends savoring the moment and the pleasure of togetherness. Tomorrow will come, but for now, the simple joy of a shared meal lingers long into the summer night.

In a Uganda Refugee Camp, Baking Bread to Heal and Feed

Macrina is donating all net proceeds from sales of our 30th Anniversary Confetti Cupcakes from August 14 – 26 to the ADAM Foundation and Bakery. Our Confetti Cupcakes are a tender butter cake filled with a dollop of huckleberry compote and topped with vanilla buttercream and funfetti sequins.

“I am happy now that I spend most of my days baking, and my nights are peaceful,” said Kareem, an eighteen-year-old refugee who lost his family to violence in Congo. Located near the Oruchinga Settlement Camp in southwest Uganda, the ADAMÂ Bakery serves over 9,000 refugees from East Africa. Jeffrey Hamelman and Mitch Stamm were brought in to train the bakers, a connection that inspired Macrina's annual support. “When the refugees arrive, they are given four eucalyptus poles and a tarp,” says Jeffrey. Mitch adds, “They’ve been stripped of everything except their dignity.” With limited equipment, the bakery daily welcomes twenty-four bakers. These bakers not only earn but also distribute a portion of the day’s bread to the camp's children. “Three-fourths of the bakers are women,” notes Jeffrey. Under the management of Angella Kushemererwa and Sophie Karungi, the bakery ensures that bread reaches the needy children daily. “Handing out the bread is an act of the utmost elation when you see the joy on the faces of the children who get the buns,” Jeffrey emphasizes, but the supply often falls short. The goal for the bakery is to become self-sustaining eventually, but for now, keeping it open costs about $5,000 per month. Construction is underway for an adjacent store to sell the bakery’s products, putting it on track to become a self-sustaining business. They’ve also nearly finished construction of a new kitchen and now have running water. “We know the needs are endless, but even small contributions benefit a large number of people,” says Scott France, president and co-owner of Macrina Bakery. “We made a significant contribution last year and we hope to top that this year. The money goes directly to the bakery and it makes an incredible impact on the bakers’ lives.” Jeffrey adds, “Some people might say you’re training 24 people...this is just wonderful,” but he acknowledges the bigger picture. Reflecting on the impact, he says, “You can tell half our heart is in Uganda. We know that we’ve changed their lives. They don’t know to what extent they’ve changed ours.” 

Order Confetti Cupcakes here and support this wonderful organization!

Peach and Summer Berry Tart

Late summer in the PNW is peak peach and berry season. It's a joy to harness these seasonal gems in a simple yet delightful tart. The rough puff pastry creates a light, flaky crust that's an excellent match for the vanilla pastry cream and, of course, the ripe, succulent fruit. Though I often turn to peaches and blackberries for this recipe, feel free to adapt it to the ripest stone fruit and berries you can find — be it plums, nectarines, blueberries or raspberries.-Leslie MackiePrintable PDF of this recipe here. Makes 4 to 6 servings.IngredientsPASTRY CREAM FILLING½ cup granulated sugar2 Tbsp cornstarch½ tsp kosher salt4 egg yolks1¼ cup whole milk1 tsp vanilla extractCRUST8 Tbsp (1 stick) unsalted butter, chilled1 tsp kosher salt1 cup unbleached all-purpose flour½ tsp kosher salt2 Tbsp + 1 tsp cold water, divided1 eggPowdered sugar for dustingASSEMBLY4 medium peaches or nectarines*2 cups seasonal berriesPowdered sugar for dusting¼ cup warm apricot jam or honey*Note: I prefer to blanch peaches to remove the skin, but this isn't necessary with nectarines or other stone fruits.PASTRY CREAM FILLINGIn a medium bowl, combine the sugar, cornstarch and salt. Add the yolks and whisk to ensure all lumps are dissolved.Place milk in a medium saucepan over medium heat and bring it to a boil. Turn off the heat and gradually ladle the hot milk into the yolk mixture, whisking continuously.Transfer the mixture back to the saucepan and return to medium heat. Gently warm the pastry cream while whisking for about 3 minutes until it thickens. Be careful to not let it boil to avoid scalding or scrambling the mixture.Remove from the heat and strain into a metal bowl to remove any lumps. Stir in the vanilla and cover the surface with plastic wrap to prevent the cream from discoloring while cooling. Chill in the refrigerator for 3 to 4 hours.CRUSTCut butter into ⅛-inch slices and keep chilled. In the bowl of a stand mixer, combine the flour and salt using the paddle attachment. Add the thin slices of butter and mix on low speed for about 3 minutes or until the mixture resembles fine crumbs. Add 2 Tbsp of water all at once and combine until absorbed, about 30 seconds.Form the dough into a 4-inch x 5-inch rectangle on a sheet of plastic wrap, wrap it up, and chill for 45 minutes.Preheat oven to 375°F. Prepare an egg wash by whisking together the egg and remaining 1 tsp of water. Set aside.On a floured work surface, roll out dough to make a 12-inch x 7-inch rectangle, approximately ⅛-inch thick.Along the border of the pastry, cut off a ½-inch strip of dough, brush with egg wash and stack around the perimeter of the crust to create a raised edge. Brush the top of the raised edge with egg wash. Use a fork to poke holes in the dough’s center to prevent air pockets from forming when baking. Chill for another 15 minutes.Bake for 30 minutes or until golden brown in color. Let cool to room temperature.ASSEMBLYCut stone fruit in ¼-inch slices and set aside.Dust the pastry shell with powdered sugar, then scoop the chilled pastry cream into the shell and smooth it out evenly.Arrange the sliced stone fruit decoratively over the pastry cream. Place the berries at the seams for a beautiful presentation. Brush the top with warm apricot jam or honey for a shiny surface.Serve immediately or refrigerate the tart up to four hours before serving. Enjoy!

Employee Recipe Series: Scott Romine's Chopped Cheese

We’re celebrating our 30th Anniversary by sharing some of our staff’s favorite recipes using Macrina Bakery products."I took a trip to New York City about a year ago with a buddy to see one of our favorite childhood bands that broke up when I was young and recently got back together. Our lunch each day was either an Italian sandwich or a chopped cheese from different bodegas around the city," recalls Scott Romine, Human Resources General Manager at Macrina Bakery. This New York bodega staple left an indelible mark on Scott, inspiring him to recreate it at home in Seattle. “Our Ciabatta Bun is airy with a delicate crust but holds up to the filling,” says Scott.The Chopped Cheese sandwich, for quite some time, maintained a subtle yet fervent following, adored by those who’d savored it in neighborhood bodegas since childhood, yet still a hidden gem to countless others  — earning itself a cult-like status in certain circles. The origin of this blend of ground beef, onions, and cheese on a hero roll can be traced back to the late Carlos Soto, a grill master at Harlem's Blue Sky Deli (formerly Hajji’s). As Anthony Bourdain and others spread the word, the sandwich captured the hearts and palates of countless food enthusiasts beyond local bodegas.At Macrina Bakery, the Ciabatta Bun has become a popular choice for many Seattle restaurants as their go-to burger bun. This "Italian slipper bread" is soft and airy, with a thin crust that makes it perfect for sandwiches and burgers.

Chopped Cheese on Ciabatta Buns Recipe


1 Tbsp olive oil (or your preferred cooking oil)1 lb ground beef1 medium onion, minced2 tsp garlic powder1 tsp chili powder½ tsp oregano1 tsp salt1 tsp black pepper2 cloves garlic, minced8 thin slices cheddar cheese (think American Cheese slices)4 Macrina Ciabatta Buns1 tomato, sliced½ head iceberg lettuce, shredded


Heat the oil in a pan, aiming for the highest possible temperature without causing it to burn. The goal is to imitate a kitchen flattop, so the hotter, the better.Combine the ground beef, minced onion, garlic powder, chili powder, oregano, salt, and pepper in the pan. Cook until the beef is halfway done, then add the minced garlic.Once the beef has browned, drain any excess fat. Return the pan to the burner and turn off the heat. Lay the cheese slices on top of the beef. Allow it to sit long enough for the cheese to melt, and then use a spatula to "chop" the cheese into the beef mixture.Pile the cheesy beef onto the lightly toasted Macrina Ciabatta Buns and garnish with shredded lettuce and sliced tomato. Serve with mustard, mayonnaise, and ketchup, based on individual preferences.Scott recommends accompanying the sandwich with a salad or another vegetable dish to create a more balanced meal. As a side, consider Tim's original or jalapeño chips, and finish off the meal with an Olivia's Chocolate Chip cookie for dessert. Enjoy! 

Win Two Seats at our Maple Leaf Pop-Up Dinner on Thursday, August 10!

Five years ago, we threw a celebratory pop-up dinner for our 25th Anniversary — a smashing success. Now, with our 30th looming, we’re setting the stage again. Leslie Mackie, Macrina’s founder, will collaborate with our Savory Team to serve one of her favorite meals to 30 fortunate guests on Thursday, August 10, at our new Maple Leaf café. Enter to win two dinner seats by sending your treasured Macrina memory to

One of the best parts of the last pop-up dinner were the stories people shared. They illustrated the many ways Macrina has enhanced their lives. We heard stories of people discovering a community of food lovers at Macrina, or finding a home away from home. One woman treated construction workers remodeling her house to homemade goodies from the Macrina cookbooks every Friday for a year. An almost-daily visitor to Macrina started bringing her daughter to our Belltown café in a stroller 24 years ago. Her daughter now lives across the country, but when visiting she always insists on Macrina for brunch. A man met his future wife at the Sodo café on a blind date and celebrated their love story this Valentine’s Day with a pillow etched with "It All Began With Coffee at Macrina." A new transplant to Seattle found solace in tea and pastries at our Queen Anne café. We could go on, but we’d rather hear from you.

What are your Macrina stories?

To see this year’s menu, you’ll have to win two seats to the dinner — but here’s a glimpse of the last one. Guests were welcomed with a mingle session featuring sparkling wine, craft cocktails, and appetizers. The first course was a handmade pappardelle pasta with garden tomatoes and fresh herbs. For the main course, attendees selected between beef tenderloin or king salmon, served with smoked risotto, local corn, chanterelles, and gremolata. We poured a favorite Washington state Chardonnay and Cabernet Sauvignon. We finished off the meal with an indulgent trio of summer berry pudding, lemon tart, and chocolate torte with red wine glaze, fresh berries and sweetened whipped cream.Reflecting on our last pop-up dinner, Leslie says, “Watching the guests arrive was a joy. I recognized many faces, mentally associating stories with people. Over the next three hours, the room buzzed with laughter and lively conversation. I flitted from kitchen to dining room, relishing the sight of strangers introducing themselves and soon sharing stories over a meal at Macrina. I heard new friends planning to meet up in the future!”

Send your Macrina stories to by August 1 with the subject line "Macrina Pop-Up Dinner Contest" for a shot at two seats to an unforgettable dinner!
