Posts tagged Feast Day
The Feast of St. Macrina

We had such a great time at our annual Feast of St. Macrina event! Each year our family gathers in honor of the bakery's namesake to bond over our shared love of great food and community. While St. Macrina the Younger's actual feast day is today, we spent Tuesday evening unwinding over dinner and games.After closing the cafés a little early, Owner Leslie Mackie, Savory Chef Elizabeth Hall, and Production Manager Jane Cho prepared an incredible meal for the entire group.Group DinnerA Macrina family dinner wouldn't be complete without an amazing dessert. Summer Shortcake featuring our Shortcake Biscuit, fresh berries, and vanilla ice cream was the grand finale. You can find the recipe for this perfect summer treat attached to bags of our Shortcake[1]Summer Shortcake Prep1After dinner we split into teams for a rollicking relay race that included a beanbag toss, cupcake eating contest, and cake writing competition. The rain moved in at one point, but that didn't stop us from having fun.

Toss Pair1

Cake Eating Comp2

There's nothing like some friendly competition to bring our family closer. We really couldn't ask for a better group of people to spend the day with. Thank you, Seattle, for giving us the afternoon off!Cake Writing GroupLook for more photos from our 2013 Feast of Macrina event on our Facebook page.