June Recipe of the Month: Summer Berry Tartlets

Summer Berry TartletsThis recipe—inspired by Dorie Greenspan—is an adaptation from the Summer Berry Galette recipe in our Seasons cookbook. The Pacific Northwest is a berry lover's dream in the summer. You can usually find tender freshly picked strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and blackberries in farmers markets throughout the season. These tartlets are an elegant showcase for the fruit. The sweet creaminess of the custard is the perfect complement to the tart berries. This recipe calls for strawberries and blueberries, but use whatever berries look best when you shop and adapt the recipe accordingly. Macrina’s Flaky Pie Dough disks, available frozen in our cafés (and convenient to have on hand in your freezer), save you a lot of time and simplify your work in the kitchen.-Leslie MackieIngredients:Serves 41 disc Macrina Flaky Pie Dough (available frozen at our cafés in 2-packs)10 strawberries, divided4 Tbsp strawberry or blueberry jam4 Tbsp breadcrumbs1½ cups fresh blueberries, divided2 eggs, divided3 Tbsp unsalted butter, melted⅓ cup sugar1 tsp vanilla extract1 Tbsp powdered sugarDirections:Thaw 1 disk of Macrina Flaky Pie Dough overnight in the refrigerator. Set the dough on a floured work surface and allow it to come to room temperature, about 20 minutes.Line a rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper. Set aside.De-stem 8 strawberries and dice into ½-inch pieces. Set aside.Shape the pie dough into a square. Roll it out to 14 x 14-inches, it should be about ⅛-inch thick. Cut into four equal squares.Lift each dough square onto the prepared baking sheet, staggering them to form the tartlets. Place 1 Tbsp of jam in the center of each pastry square and spread to a 4-inch square. Top each with 1 Tbsp of breadcrumbs, ⅓ cup blueberries and a quarter of the diced strawberries.Make an egg wash by whisking 1 egg with 1 Tbsp water.Starting with one dough square, cut a 2-inch square from each corner. Fold the top flap over the fruit and brush with egg wash. Next, fold the right flap over the fruit, creating a corner, and brush that flap with egg wash. Repeat this process with the bottom and left sides so you have a square tartlet with an opening in the center. Brush all the dough with a final coat of egg wash. Repeat the entire process with the other 3 squares of dough. Refrigerate the tartlets for 30 minutes.Preheat the oven to 425°F.To prepare the custard, mix the melted butter, remaining egg, sugar and vanilla extract together.Place the chilled tartlets in the oven and bake for 20 minutes. Remove from the oven and pour the custard mix onto the top of each tartlet center. Let it drain into the tartlet before adding more to prevent it from spilling out. Bake until golden brown and the custard is set, another 10 to 15 minutes.Let cool for 30 minutes and garnish each with half a strawberry and a few blueberries. Sprinkle with powdered sugar. Enjoy at room temperature served with ice cream or frozen yogurt!Printable PDF here.

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